Expanding Horizons and Leading the Way in Plastic Protection Devices


Name of the provider / Family business 


Professional sector and company size 

Manufacture of plastic protectors: end caps, end caps and buffers. From 11 to 50 employees.

Need/problems/challenge addressed 

Innovation, Digitalisation and Internationalisation 





Link to more information  

Since its establishment in 1996, FORTAPS has been a prominent family business with a rich heritage that spans two generations. With its unwavering commitment to the design, manufacture and marketing of plastic and thermoplastic rubber guards such as end caps, bumpers and adjustable feet, FORTAPS has become a trusted name in the industry. Over the years, the company has embraced digitalisation and globalised its operations, enabling it to enter new European markets. With a focus on innovation, automation and internationalisation, FORTAPS is poised for continued growth and success in the ever-changing business landscape.

FORTAPS began its internationalisation journey a decade ago by successfully entering the French market. Building on this, the company is now actively pursuing expansion into new European markets that offer significant growth potential. FORTAPS is using the experience and understanding gained from entering the French market to replicate and surpass its success in other regions. Thanks to digitalisation and globalisation, FORTAPS can tap into previously untapped markets and reach a larger customer base.

FORTAPS recognises the importance of adapting to the digital age and has prioritised the development and implementation of a comprehensive digital strategy. The company recognises that in an international context, it is of utmost importance to provide customers with more proximity and accessible tools. Through the use of digital technologies, FORTAPS aims to strengthen its relationships with existing customers and attract new ones from all over the world. This approach ensures seamless communication, efficient order processing and an improved customer experience.

FORTAPS firmly believes that innovation and automation are an essential part of its internationalisation efforts. Through continuous investment in research and development, the company strives to stay ahead of industry trends and customer demands. Automation plays a central role at FORTAPS, enabling streamlined processes, improved production efficiency and consistent product quality. This commitment to innovation and automation enables FORTAPS to provide a differentiated value proposition to its customers.

With a strong foundation built on years of expertise and commitment, FORTAPS has successfully expanded into new European markets. The company’s internationalisation strategy, supported by its digital approach, innovation and automation, has paved the way for further growth and success. By putting its customers’ needs first and delivering superior products, FORTAPS has established itself as a leader in the design and manufacture of plastic and thermoplastic rubber guards. FORTAPS is venturing into new markets with immense potential, and its commitment to excellence and forward-looking approach guarantee a promising future.