From the family garage to the Coupe de France


Name of the provider / Family business 


Professional sector and company size 

Manufacturer of DRAG bicycles and distributor of more than 50 world-famous brands for parts, components, accessories, clothing and footwear. About 100 employees.

Need/problems/challenge addressed 

Succession, Corporate governance 




Link to more information

Velomania is a family business with a unique philosophy of “Business for Pleasure” With over 100 employees, including 11 branches with expert service, they place the utmost importance on customer satisfaction and consider every customer an integral part of their business. This case study explores the approach to running the business, the focus on customer experience and the plans for succession from the perspective of Dragomir Kuzov, the founder, and his children Alexandra and Victor Kuzov, who are the potential successors.

At Velomania, customer satisfaction is the driving force behind business decisions. The founder, Dragomir Kuzov, explains that his main motivation is to ensure that customers are satisfied with their purchases and the service they receive. Part of the customer-centric approach is to provide customised saddles based on anthropometric data. In addition, Velomania places great emphasis on selling bicycles in specialised shops and not in consumer markets. This decision reflects the conviction that buying a bicycle should be comparable to buying clothes, where fit plays an important role.

Velomania has expanded its presence by entering the Romanian market. In 2013, they founded Velomania SR, a company that serves the Romanian market. With an online shop and a physical location in the heart of Bucharest, the company has built a strong position in the country. They have also built a solid dealer network with around 50 dealers selling their brands DRAG and COX as well as other renowned global brands.

The founder has two children, Alexandra and Victor, who have been involved in the family business from an early age. They have worked in various roles, gaining practical experience and an understanding of the company’s operations. They are currently studying in the Netherlands and pursuing their interests in marketing and website maintenance. Despite their early involvement and potential interest in taking over the company, Dragomir Kuzov does not guarantee their succession. He believes that passing on the business should be based on merit and ability, not just family ties. He values competence and commitment in potential successors and is open to considering external partners if it ensures the long-term success of the company.

Velomania’s customer-centric approach, focus on specialised services and commitment to the cycling community have contributed to their success. As they expand into new markets and plan for the future, the question of succession remains. The founder’s approach of putting competence above family ties ensures that the future leadership of the company is in capable hands, whether it remains within the family or involves external partners.